We Start 4th June 2025

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⋆ We Start 4th June 2025 ⋆ Grab Your Spot Now!

Becoming Conscious 2025:

Finding Freedom from Patriarchal Conditioning

Starting Wednesday 4th June 2025 and run weekly until Wednesday 23rd July 2025

8:00pm - 9:30pm (GMT)

I want you to ‘f*ck the patriarchy’ and live a life that feels GOOD and TRUE for YOU!


Firstly, because you get one life. And I want you to flipping love it! Enjoy it! Live it! With a feeling of presence, authenticity, honesty and alignment. I want you to feel connection to yourself, how you feel, what you need and what you want.

and secondly, because I know when women are able to do this…the status quo can no longer survive. Relationships, dynamic and communities start to change towards more equity, more connection, more peace, more safety…for us, for others and for the generations we are raising.

Patriarchy purposefully wants you to feel how you currently feel, so that a small proportion of people can maintain power, making money of insecurities and benefiting from your labour and permissiveness as you strive to uphold patriarchy’s narratives of what a ‘good’ daughter, mother, wife does

The women I work with often describe…

…feeling low level anxious all the time, which makes sense as it is often masking the  RAGE they feel in performing their life to the narrow confines of what patriarchy defines as good woman, good wife, good daughter, good mother – which is basically self-sacrifice, do everything for everyone, and put on smile

In order to uphold good daughter, good wife, good mother women narratives women learn to people please, making their decisions based on what other people might think of them, finding it completely intolerable to disappointment others or to be thought of thought badly of in the minds of others. This disrupts womens connection to themselves, to what they want, need and desire, which means they no longer feel able to trust themselves.

They are doing all the things for other people all the time, everyone is benefiting from their labour but them.  They make other peoples lives feel good, magical, and easy, frictionless, whilst they experience life as self sacrifice, exhaustion, a sense of servitude or even drudergy 

And its painful because often this is not the life that women imagined for themselves…the passions, the joy, the sense of purpose feels like another lifetime ago…and patriarchy will have you believe that this is just your lot, just how it is, but of course you can connect back to yourself, your purpose, the good stuff you’re here to do!…it’s still there, its still possible, you just might need to lovingly and compassionately be shown how to reconnect… Because the world needs change, the status quo cannot remain! And I would love to be your guide!

And the problem is

…So many women are trying to heal without an awareness of what they are up against; A patriarchal society that benefits when women are disconnected from themselves, desperately trying to live upto the impossible to reach expectations of what a ‘good’ daughter, mother, wife does and is. A patriarchal society that purposefully wants you to feel subservient, not good enough, guilty for meeting your needs, disempowered, so that the people with power can keep it!

The consequence being…

You are disconnected from yourself – you don’t know what you need, want, or desire. You feel you can’t  trust yourself, so you stay small which lowers your confidence which in terms lowers your self-esteem. You are consumed with anger, resentment and a sense of your own powerlessness, which often manifests as anxiety. You weren’t taught the skills to regulate your emotions, communicate your needs, or set boundaries with others around you, which leaves you feeling stuck in how to move forward. You desperately want to be a perfect cycle breaker but worry that you are repeating similar patterns for your children…


– the way you want to, with joy and not giving a fuckness

If this resonates; Welcome to…

Becoming Conscious:
Finding Freedom from Patriarchal Conditioning!

By the end of this programme you will:

  • Be able to connect with yourself to develop self guidance and trust

  • Developed emotion regulation skills, boundary setting & communication skills in order to actually create change in your life, which will in turn

  • Increased confidence and self esteem

  • Have more mutual and fulfilling relationships where your needs are met

  • Feeling good and worthy and able to tend to feelings of guilt and shame

  • Feeling free to be yourself

  • Breaking cycles for yourself and your children

  • Living an aligned life that feels true, good, connected and joyous to yourself

to live your one wild and precious life!

What you’ll get

Course Overview:

  • You will meet live with Dr Bekah on Wednesday evenings 8:00pm - 9:30pm in a small group setting (only 10 spaces available)

  • Live Group Sessions start on Wednesday 4th July 2025 and run weekly until Wednesday 23rd July 2025 and will help you integrate your learning, discuss any nuances and how it applies to you, and to trouble shoot any difficulties that may be arising for in the work. This gives you plenty of opportunity to have Bekah help you untangle, learn and apply as you go. All live sessions will be recorded so you can catch up on-demand.

  • All Knowledge Sessions will be pre-recorded and released at the beginning of the week for you to watch before your LIVE session with Dr Bekah. 

  • Bekah will be on hand in the Community Group to answer any questions you may have in-between sessions, so you’re never left wondering or unsupported during the course

  • You will need to be able to commit to around 2.5 hours per week (1 hour of to watch the Knowledge Video and 1 hour to attend the Live Group Session, and some time for reflection and invited homework practices) for 8 weeks

  • This course is for people who feel emotionally resourced. It is not a substitute for anyone who feels they need 1-1 mental health support.

Topic 1: Befriending our Nervous System, Somatic Safety and The Body

Our first topic will focus on building your understanding of your nervous system and how it works. Along with learning techniques to help you regulate your emotions, so that you are able to listen to what they are telling you and not be overwhelmed when experiencing them. We will begin to be able to discern between safety and non-safety, allowing our emotions to act as co-guides in taking aligned action in your life.

We will further begin to understand the ways that we have learnt to be dis-empowered in our body in a patriarchal society and learn to increase our movement vocabulary in order to increase our sense of embodied choices and options in our life.

By the end of this topic you will have developed the knowledge, skills and practices to aid your ability to regulate your emotions and find emotional safety which will stand you in good stead for the rest of the course and your on going healing journey.

Topic 2: Patriarchal Conditioning: Stories of Womanhood & How You Learnt to Cope

Our second topic brings us to exploring the way that being raised in a patriarchal society has impacted us. We will explore this from an individual level (your experiences with immediate family), a societal level (the ways in which the wider society conditions us), and from an ancestral level (the ways in which patriarchal conditioning is handed down from generation to generation).

We will further explore the ways that we learnt to cope and how we may still be carrying that coping with us now. This coping might look like becoming the ‘good’ girl, perfectionism, having a strong inner critic or feeling like an impostor.

By the end of this topic you will have clarity about why you have coped by negating your own wants, needs and values and why you feel so stuck, angry and resentful because of it.

Topic 3: Goals, Wants, Needs & Desires: Creating a Compassionate, Wise & Trusting Relationship with Yourself

In our third topic we begin to get in touch with our wants needs, desires and values which is a fundamental necessity for creating a life that is YOURS

We recognize that we are now adults and as such we do not have to rely on the coping that was our best attempt when we were younger to get our needs met: we now have greater power, resources and autonomy

By the end of this module you will begin to know yourself, have developed your compassionate & wise mind that will begin to guide you on your journey and be able to observe the pull towards old habits, using your emotional regulation skills to begin to make different and more aligned choices for you, that take you step by step closer to living a life that feels fulfilling and true for you!

Topic 4: Communication & Boundaries: The Dream Team for Implementing Change

In our final topic we will begin to learn the skills we often haven’t been taught or seen modeled in the women in our lives; that of Communication & Boundaries

So often as women we have learnt to avoid conflict at all costs. But conflict is part of normal healthy human relationships. When we can learn to communicate effectively and we feel confident in setting boundaries with ourselves and others, the possibilities in our life begin to open up and we begin to realise we are capable of so much more than we have given ourselves credit for

By the end of this topic you will understand what boundaries are, know what YOUR boundaries are specifically, and feel confident and competent in setting and holding them as you will have learnt how to have difficult conversations kindly, compassionately and clearly, without getting pulled into old patterns.

“We do all this healing work, not so we can have a perfect, struggle free life, where we some how become immune to the effects of the patriarchy...that simply isn't possible!

We do it in order to live a life where we feel fulfilled, in alignment, and connected to ourselves; so that, on the whole, we feel satisfied with our life. We do it to embody the belief we are free and autonomous beings in charge of the decisions we make for our life, empowered to make the changes we deem necessary!

-Dr Bekah Shallcross

What previous participants have said about ‘Becoming Conscious’

“Thank you so very much!!!!! I am so happy that I joined the course and took this time for myself. It was a great few weeks to be surrounded by like minded women and I hope the feminist therapy centre can continue to make this information accessible for as many women as possible as it is so important!”

“When you are on a journey of re-discovery, getting in touch with your desires is a huge part. One that is so often forgotten and pushed aside in favour of prioritising the needs and desires of others. This is the key to getting to know who you are without all of the patriarchal noise drowning you out. Having time and space to do this in a group setting is invaluable.”

“Setting boundaries can be incredibly difficult, especially if you have not done so in the past. The course was very sympathetic to this challenge and helped me see why setting boundaries feels uncomfortable and use these feelings to understand what is important to me and how I can listen to my body when a boundary is being crossed and how to take action when this happens.”

“It's absolutely fantastic, I highly recommend it. So many things that I've read about else where but not quite understood really clicked for me.”

“This is 100% one of those courses that you need even if you don't think you do. In equal measures informative and supportive. You will feel acknowledged, heard, and validated as you learn and unlearn. In my opinion, this should be made mandatory for anyone who identifies as a woman”

“Yes! 5 stars from me…this course was life-changing at a pivotal time for me, shortly after coming out as queer and getting divorced.  Dr Bekah Shallcross, you’ll be pleased to hear 1.5 months later I’m finally finsing my voice and setting boundaries!”

Enrol NOW!

If you are still unsure and would like to book a call with Bekah to discuss whether this course is right for you? No problem! Simply click the button below and chose a date and time!