The Regulation Ritual 30 Day Challenge

Terms and Conditions

Please read this carefully. Buy participating in the ‘Regulation Ritual’ Challenge, you agree with the terms & conditions outlined below.

The Regulation Ritual

The challenge will be run by Dr Rebekah Shallcross in the capacity of Facilitator.

The ‘Regulation Ritual’ 30 Day Challenge will consist of daily educational videos and 20-minute live group mini-workshops.  It is not a group therapy programme.  It is not a substitute for therapy or a replacement for qualified mental health care and is intended for participants in an emotionally resourced place in their lives. If participants feel that their mood is very up and down, or they are worried about their ability to keep themselves safe, or are having thoughts about harming someone else, they should seek urgent care from their GP or another health care professional.  Similarly, the course is intended for those who are in safe environments and relationships in their life. If you are worried about your safety in terms of domestic violence or abuse, including controlling behaviour, please seek support from your GP or another trusted health professional.

If you live in the UK and require more information on urgent mental health care please click here

If you live in the UK require more information on help for domestic violence please click here

Rebekah Shallcross is not able to provide urgent or crisis mental health care in her capacity as facilitator on this challenge.

The ritual will run everyday for the 30 days.  10 minute Knowledge Videos will be released to you daily and live Regulation Sessions will be held for 20 minutes daily.

Enrolment, Bookings & Payments

Enrolment to the course is made via The Feminist Therapy Centre (FTC) Website in accordance with the websites privacy policy.

Once payment has been processed you will be sent a link to join the ‘Regulation Ritual’ private facebook group.  Please familiarise yourself with the group rules. The content of the programme will be stored here for you to access.  


All data will be conducted in the strictest confidence and this confidence will be maintained, and applied to any and all records except in the following instances –

1)  Where the client gives consent for information to be shared with other agencies or health professionals involved in their care.

2)  Where the facilitator is compelled by a court of law.

3)  Where the situation is such that the facilitator considers the client a potential risk to themselves or others.

In all instances the facilitator (Rebekah Shallcross) would always attempt to speak to you first before breaking confidentiality.

Cancellations & refunds

Cancellations and refunds are permitted within the first 14 days after the initial payment.  Following this 14 day period cancellations will not be refunded.

If you fail to attend the course live, you will have access to all the live recordings and materials via the Facebook Page.

Conduct and safety

We commit to acting in thoughtful and respectful ways throughout the course, and ask that all participants also commit to this ethos to help build a sense of community and support between members of the programme. The FTC reserves the right to refuse a place and/or to exclude persons from a course, who in the judgement of Rebekah Shallcross behaves in an abusive, disruptive or discriminatory manner.   

Comments and complaints

Throughout the course, participants are welcome to communicate with Rebekah Shallcross through email, their thoughts and experiences of the programme.  At the beginning and end of the programme we will ask you to leave feedback in the form of an evaluation form. If you wish to make a formal complaint, please make this in writing to within 14 working days of the course ending.

Changes to terms

We reserve the right to change or modify these Terms including for legal, regulatory or security reasons at any time. We will flag changes on the website and/or send emails in relation to major changes. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about our Terms please don’t hesitate to contact